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:confused:Hi , I am new to this - not sure where to start..

Procedure Note

1 L5-S1 Discectomy
2. L5-Sl Annuloplasty
3. L5-S1 Discogram

Dx - 1. L5-S1 disc herniation
2. L5-S1 Annular tear
3. Lumbar Pain
4. Lumbar radiculopathy

would procedure code 62287 , 62290? Is the discogram included in procedure or do you bill this also with 58 modifier? cpt code 72295 Cpt code 22526 for Annuloplasy ?

Any help will be greatly appreciated
Thank you

Pat R
62287 Decompression procedure, percutaneous, of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc, any method utilizing needle based technique to remove disc material under fluoroscopic imaging or other form of indirect visualization, with the use of an endoscope, with discography and/or epidural injection(s) at the treated level(s), when performed, single or multiple levels, lumbar

22526 Percutaneous intradiscal electrothermal annuloplasty, unilateral or bilateral including fluoroscopic guidance; single level


CPT 62287 includes discography (62290 72295) as seen in the descriptor above.

CPT 22526 falls under a NCD/National Coverage Determination policy by Medicare that it is not covered. They state the radiological or fluoroscopic guidance utilized would also be non-covered. And this would include CPT 62290 72295.

Below is the Medicare NCD for thermal intradiscal procedures. The NCD did copy and paste with multiple spaces, but I tried to include it. I would look at the carrier you are billing and look at their policy for CPT 22526.

States Affected NA
Policy Number 150.11
Subject Thermal Intradiscal Procedures (TIPs)

NCD for Thermal Intradiscal Procedures (TIPs)150.11 per CMS Transmittal R97NCD

Disclaimer: Transmittal R97NCD will be used as a reference to represent NCD 150.11 in order to provide Advanced Beneficiary Notice requirement guidance, until CMS has provided official resource documentation of the NCD on their website

CMS Manual System

Department of Health &

Human Services (DHHS)

Pub 100-03 Medicare National Coverage Determinations

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Transmittal 97

Date: December 9, 2008

Change Request 6291

Subject: Thermal Intradiscal Procedures (TIPs)

I. SUMMARY OF CHANGES: Upon completion of a national coverage analysis for TIPS, the decision was made that TIPs are non-covered for Medicare beneficiaries. The addition of ? 150.11 of Pub.100-03 is a national coverage determination (NCD). NCDs are binding on all carriers, fiscal intermediaries, quality improvement organizations, qualified independent contractors, the Medicare Appeals Council, and administrative law judges (ALJs) (see 42 CFR section 405.1060(a)(4) (2005)). An NCD that expands coverage is also binding on a Medicare advantage organization. In addition, an ALJ may not review an NCD. (See section 1869(f)(1)(A)(i) of the Social Security Act.)

New / Revised Material

Effective Date: September 29, 2008

Implementation Date: January 5, 2009

Disclaimer for manual changes only: The revision date and transmittal number apply only to red italicized material. Any other material was previously published and remains unchanged. However, if this revision contains a table of contents, you will receive the new/revised information only, and not the entire table of contents.

II. CHANGES IN MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS: (N/A if manual is not updated)


1/150/150.11/Thermal Intradiscal Procedures (TIPs) (Effective September 29, 2008)


SECTION A: For Fiscal Intermediaries and Carriers:

No additional funding will be provided by CMS; Contractor activities are to be carried out within their operating budgets.

SECTION B: For Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs):

The Medicare Administrative Contractor is hereby advised that this constitutes technical direction as defined in your contract. CMS does not construe this as a change to the MAC Statement of Work. The contractor is not obligated to incur costs in excess of the amounts allotted in your contract unless and until specifically authorized by the Contracting Officer. If the contractor considers anything provided, as described above, to be outside the current scope of work, the contractor shall withhold performance on the part(s) in question and immediately notify the Contracting Officer, in writing or by e-mail, and request formal directions regarding continued performance requirements.


Business Requirements

Manual Instruction

*Unless otherwise specified, the effective date is the date of service.

Attachment - Business Requirements

Pub. 100-03

Transmittal: 97

Date: December 9, 2008

Change Request: 6291

SUBJECT: Thermal Intradiscal Procedures (TIPs)

Effective Date: September 29, 2008

Implementation Date: January 5, 2009


A. Background: This is a new national coverage determination (NCD). There is no existing NCD on thermal intradiscal procedures (TIPs).

On January 15, 2008, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) initiated a national coverage analysis (NCA) on (TIPs). The scope of this NCA on TIPs included percutaneous intradiscal techniques utilizing devices that employ the use of a radiofrequency energy source or electrothermal energy to apply or create heat and/or disruption within the disc for coagulation and/or decompression of disc material to treat symptomatic patients with annular disruption of a contained herniated disc, to seal annular tears or fissures, or destroy nociceptors for the purpose of relieving pain. This includes techniques that use single or multiple probes/catheters, which utilize a resistance coil or other thermal intradiscal technology, are flexible or rigid, and are placed within the nucleus, the nuclear-annular junction or the annulus. Although not meant to be a complete list, TIPs are commonly identified as intradiscal electrothermal therapy (IDET), intradiscal thermal annuloplasty (IDTA), percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation (PIRFT), radiofrequency annuloplasty (RA), intradiscal biacuplasty (IDB), percutaneous (or plasma) disc decompression (PDD) or ablation, or targeted disc decompression (TDD). At times, TIPs are identified or labeled based on the name of the catheter(s)/probe(s) that is used (e.g. SpineCath, discTRODE, SpineWand, Accutherm, or TransDiscal electrodes). This change request (CR) communicates the findings and the NCD of this NCA.

While four CPT codes are identified for TIPs procedures performed within the annulus of the intervertebral disc (22526, 22527, 0062T and 0063T), the codes (codes 62287, 22899 and 64999) used for TIPs procedures performed within the nucleus of the disc (eg., PDD or TDD procedures) may also be used for procedures that are not within the scope of the TIPs NCD. The contractors may advise providers through a MLN Matters article to submit TIPs procedures performed within the nucleus under code 22899 or 64999 with a clear description of the procedure in the narrative section of the claim since these codes suspend for review. Contractors may also advise providers to submit the biacuplasty procedure under code 0062T (currently some providers are submitting this procedure under code 64999). This CR provides instructions on codes that shall be denied when submitted and for codes that shall be denied when identified as a TIP.

All TIPs procedures are performed with radiologic or fluoroscopic guidance. This service would be directly related to a noncovered service and, therefore, noncovered. This CR provides an instruction to deny claims for the radiologic or fluorosocpic guidance when performed in conjunction with a TIP.

This CR includes requirements for physicians and hospitals to provide appropriate liability notices to beneficiaries. Any provider who performs the service described in this instruction that is expected to be non-covered on the basis of this coverage decision should provide the beneficiary with the appropriate liability notice in advance of the procedure consistent with chapter 30, Pub 100-04, the Medicare Claims Processing.

B. Policy: Effective for services performed on or after September 29, 2008, CMS has concluded that the evidence does not demonstrate that TIPs improve health outcomes. Thus, CMS has determined that TIPs are not reasonable and necessary for the treatment of low back pain. Therefore, TIPs are noncovered as identified in section 150.11 of Pub.100-03, the NCD Manual.
This all, Only applies to Medicare Beneficiaries and its stated in the NCA mentioned above. What happens when we code for No Fault cases and a non Medicare beneficiary? Please bear in mind, NYS No Fault has not adopted Medicare NCCI Edits. Can we then Reports CPT 62287 and 22526 taking into consideration they are indeed two separate procedures addressing two different matters. One procedure address the decompression of the annuls pulposus and the other is addressing the injury of the Annuls fibrosis. Furthermore the AMA does not have any publications bundling both codes.
This all, Only applies to Medicare Beneficiaries and its stated in the NCA mentioned above. What happens when we code for No Fault cases and a non Medicare beneficiary? Please bear in mind, NYS No Fault has not adopted Medicare NCCI Edits. Can we then Reports CPT 62287 and 22526 taking into consideration they are indeed two separate procedures addressing two different matters. One procedure address the decompression of the annuls pulposus and the other is addressing the injury of the Annuls fibrosis. Furthermore the AMA does not have any publications bundling both codes.

There is no NCCI edit for 62287 and 22526.

I only mention that because you pointed out that "NYS No Fault has not adopted Medicare NCCI edits" - there isn't an NCCI edit anyhow.