Wiki Help with failed MRI with and without


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I'm not real sure if I can bill for anything beyond the MRI brain without (70551) with this scenario. Can you bill for waste on imaging contrast? I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks!

"Normal MRI of the brain performed without contrast. IV contrast was attempted however, the vein blew after injection of 7 cc MultiHance contrast. The images following this injection attempt, however, fails to demonstrate intravascular contrast. The patient refused additional attempts."
I would also code just 70551.
Radiology Charge Capture Handbook 2009, Medical Learning Inc.
"Payment to OPPS hospitals for diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals is bundled with the major procedure performed. CMS has assigned all diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals with the status indicator N, meaning that there is no separate payment because it is packaged into the APC rates for the major procedure."
We are still expected to report the dosage, but I don't think you can charge separately for contrast.

Hope this helps!
We are an independent facility and actually do bill for contrast, but this situation of having the MRI fail is new to me. Does anyone know if we can bill for the contrast since it actually made it into the patient?