Wiki HELP with O36.80XX - inconclusive viability

San jose, CA
Best answers
I have a provider who sees all incoming OB patients for their first visit. She is billing an EM--whole other issue-- with an US. She is billing the US with dx O36.80X0.

O36.80X0 - Pregnancy with inconclusive fetal viability, not applicable or unspecified.

She is using this with all of her 'confirmation' US's stating she is 'determining viability'.
i would understand if the outcome of the US was --inconclusive viability -- maybe due to size vs dates or no FHT with GSA 6wks or more.
but when all is good and its a normal pregnancy.... then another, more appropriate, dx should be used....!!!

PLEASE HELP with clarification on when to appropriately use O36.80X0.

any input is appreciated in advance!!!!

I am a new coder. For US, confirmation of pregnancy/1st visit we use Z32.01-encounter for pregnancy test, positive.
If pt comes for a maternal or fetal problem, then we use these concrete dx unless the results of US give a different outcome/dx.