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If an NP and PA are both listed on the note as performing provider with no supervising provider, can this be billed?
There is nothing in the note stating who did which portion of the visit.
Can you explain why? I believe the patient is actually being seen by the PA but the NP is signing the scripts so they want their name in the note.
Just like an NP can bill incident to a physician, the PA can be incident to the NP, as long as the NP has seen the patient previously for the same problem, or it is a shared encounter where both see the patient on the same visit. From your first post I gathered this was a shared encounter where both the PA and the NP see and examine the patient and both write a note for their part. If this is neither incident-to nor a shared encounter, in otherwords the PA is the only provider that has examined this patient for this problem and the NP does not also examine the patient and write a note, then it will need to billed using the PA NPI, if the PA has no NPI or is not credentialed with the payer, then you have the unenviable situation of a nonbillable encounter.