Wiki Home Health Certification G0179 and G0180 Question


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I work at a rehab hospital and our physicians certify Home Health services. In the past we always billed when we received a 485 form from the Home Health Agency. I'm finding that I don't always get those forms. I depended on those to confirm that the patient started home health. From what I've been reading, no form is required to be filled out if all information is in a note.

My questions are:
Can we only bill these codes when the patient has started HH or can I bill without confirmation relying on the fact that a note certifying the need is present?
How are your physicians confirming that the service has started?
Are you finding that a chart note is sufficient or are you still using the 485?

HH certifications

I work for a multi-specialty practice & the physician will see the patient to evaluate for HH needs, orders HH, completes HH documentation & signs said order. We, the practice, bill for the HH services.
Response from CMS

This is the response that I received from CMS. We do need to verify that HHS started prior to billing. I'm assuming that we'll need to depend on the MD's to notify us. We used to depend on the 485 form but it apparently is no longer required.

How do you confirm that the patient started receiving services?

"Thank you for your inquiry. Physician claims for certification and/or recertification of eligibility for home health services (G0180 and G0179, respectively) should not be billed if the patient does not receive or begin home health services. Certifying and recertifying patient eligibility for home health services can include contacting the home health agency and reviewing of reports of patient status required by physicians to affirm the implementation of the plan of care that meets patient’s needs.