Wiki hospital physician signatures


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I have a question about hospital ,both in-patient and ER, physician signatures. I was taught that I could accept DOS even if I could not read the signature or it was not signed in a hospital setting because the signature would be on file and could be retreived if needed. If someone could address that I sure would appreciate it. Thanks.
Karen Buckner
Signature card on file

I am not sure I really understand your question.

Every note - if it is to be billable - has to be signed by the provider. The signature SHOULD be legible, but let's face it ... how many are.

Therefore, we are allowed to have a signature card on file so that ANN E DOCTOR, MD has signed the card and uses the same signature on notes - the signatures can be compared and the coder/biller has some assurance that this provider actually provided the service.

In our practice, our dictation system assigns a unique # to each provider. We ask them to add their provider number (5 digits) along with their signature. That number is usually MUCH clearer and, because it is unique to each provider, clearly lets us know who is signing (even if we can't really read the signature).

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC