Wiki How do you bill for unrelated outpatient E/M Service for a Patient in Rehab Facility


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I work for an Anesthesiology group and one of our patients was seen for pain management and consultation (E/M's and epidural steroid injections) before she entered a Rehab facility as an inpatient. At that time, we didn't have any problem getting paid for these services. Now we are having a problem getting paid from Medicare for an E/M service provided after she entered the Rehab facility. Medicare has told us to bill the Rehab facility instead.

We've spoken with the Rehab Facility & they aren't sure how to bill for this either.

Does anyone have an idea how to bill for this?
Thank you for help in advance
You will need to send your Claims to the Rehab facility for payment. Sounds like she is using days from a covered Part-A stay, and all of her charges will need to be bundled together on their claim. This is part of "Consolidated Billing".