Wiki how would you code this?


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Can you please let me know if I have the right codes?
I got 28820 and 28122 -59.

Thank you for your input!!

Procedure Description:
Consent was obtained prior to surgery.
The leg was prepped with ChloraPrep and sterilely draped.
Incisions were made at the base of the necrotic fourth toe. The toe was disarticulated at the metatarsophalangeal joint area. Large amount of mushy liquefied tissue was seen around the fourth metatarsal head. The necrotic process is extended in between the third and fourth and third and fifth metatarsals. I removed the metatarsal head easily with a hemostat. The bone was very soft. Samples were sent for pathology for culture. I removed most of the shaft of the fourth metatarsal with rongeur. I opened the fascial spaces on both sides of the metatarsals with a hemostat and managed to get very little fluid composed of liquefied tissue. Incisions were made on both the plantar aspect and dorsal aspect of the foot. No bleeding was seen from the dermal plexus on each side. The forefoot was partially cadaveric. The only bleeding that occurred during the surgery is from the proximal fourth metatarsal Medula. This was very slow dark colored blood bleeding.
I also debrided the blister on the dorsal aspect of the foot. The base of the blister was bluish/gray, but during the procedure it slowly turned red.
In the end of the procedure the foot color was a little better than the beginning. I think that the nerve block cause some vasodilatation and increase the blood flow to the foot.
The wound was packed with Betadine soaked gauze.