Wiki HPI for cardiac consults


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I am auditing consultations done by a cardiologist. Patient was referred by her orthopedic surgeon.
I am having trouble with some of the HPI. Here is an example:
Patient is an 80-year old pleasant female with a longstanding history of hypertension. She complains of disabling pain in the left knee. It is also affecting her left hip joint. She also complains of generalized myalgia. She denies any chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitation or dizziness. She underwent left partial knee replacement about six years ago and is now schedule for a total replacement.
I didn't want to use the "status of chronic conditions" because he didn't state the status. What elements of HPI can I count when it is hypertension? I can count Associated signs/symptoms for the pain and myalgia. What else?
Thank you for your help
Kind of a stretch

Okay, this is kind of a stretch. The doctor is really covering two complaints here ... the hypertension (which is the reason for the consult, I presume), and the knee pain (which is why she's having surgery)

Duration - "longstanding" and 6-years ago
Assoc sign/sympt - pain, myalgia, no SOB
Location - hip, knee, chest (negative, but location mentioned)
Modifying factors - partial replacement

Sure wish the doctor had mentioned what meds she's been on for the HTN.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC