Wiki Hydration and Magnesium


Dyersville, IA
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I am new to chemotherapy coding and I was wondering on the following scenario - patient is receiving fluid hydration for Crohn's. Received the following:
1L D.5.4NS w/ 20 MEQ OF KCL IV FROM 9:00-11:00 then again 11:00-13:00
Magnesium IV from 9:00-13:00.

The magnesium is concurrently with the hydration so I can't charge for the hydration nor the J3480 potassium or J7042 D.5.4 Saline correct? Should I only charge 96365 x 1 and 96366 x 3 and J3475 Magnesium? Thank you for any guidance I have gone back and forth on this.
The description in CPT of hydration fluids includes electrolytes so I would code the saline/potassium infusion time, the saline/potassium solution, and the magnesium solution. Is there chemo before or after this infusion? For just this hydration, you should have 2 bags of NS/KCl and one bag of Mg and if the electrolytes are added by Pharmacy then code for them also. If the electrolyte solutions are listed in the chargemaster, use those codes instead of separate codes per HCPCS. This is my thought given the info above.
There was not chemo before or after so I will charge 96360 x 1, 96361 x 3 and then the Magnesium solution as 96368 ran concurrently. Thank you for your help I truly appreciate your feedback!