Wiki Hydrocelectomy.. Not Excised?


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How to bill for a "Lord's procedure" where the hydrocele sac is folded in on itself and sutured without total excision?

A right transverse hemiscrotal incision was then made and dissection carried through
subcutaneous tissue until the tunica vaginalis was incised. The hydrocele fluid was then
aspirated. Approximately 250 milliliters of hydrocele fluid was suction. Testicle was brought to
the operative field. The excess hydrocele sac was then removed. The remaining hydrocele sac
was then everted and sutured onto the spermatic cord using 2-0 Vicryl. Hemostasis was
obtained. The testicle was returned to the right hemiscrotum. A Penrose drain was then placed
into the right hemi scrotum from an inferior scrotal incision. Penrose drain was sutured in place
using 2-0 nylon. The dartos fascia was then closed using 3-0 Vicryl in a running fashion. The
skin was closed using 3-0 chromic. Dermabond was applied. The LMA was removed the patient
was taken to recovery in stable condition.