Wiki Hyperemisis in Preg'y


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Pt was seen on 7/01/09 for scheduled OB visit. Dr. discussed with pt ways to help with her nausea and vomiting. Pt was then sent to hospital for IV hydration. Do we bill a low level office visit for hyperemisis? 99212, 643.03. Pt is disputing visit as prenatal care. We also called in an RX for her vomiting on 7/02/09 and notified the pt. :eek:
Even though the appointment was scheduled as routine prenatal care, the patient presented with a complication of the pregnancy. You could bill an office visit since it wasn't just a routine visit. There was additional time spent with the patient at that visit and a RX called into for her continued symptoms after the IV hydration.

You can only use the 643.03 if the patient is not past 22 weeks gestation and there is no metobolic or electrolyte issue. If there is documented metobolic condition, use 643.13.

If the patient had gone to her PCP or urgent care, they would have billed for the same thing. This should be no different.

I hope this helps.
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