Wiki Immunizations!


Grand Rapids, MI
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Can somebody dumb down the 90460 and 90461 for me? It stumps me every time. Like for example, Billy gets MMR, DTAP, and Hep B (say MMR is 3 units, DTAP is 3 units and Hep B is 1 unit) and gave a TOTAL of 3 shots, how in the world does that work? I add the units up so all units added up = 7, so would I put 3 units for 90640 (because we gave 3 vaccines) and then put 4 for the 90461 (because that's the amount left over to equal seven? Or am I just overthinking this? 😅
You may be overthinking, however, did counseling accompany each one of those shots? 90460 includes counseling to the patient and/or caregivers. If the child is receiving a vaccine where they come back in a month or 6 weeks for the next injection, and they don't receive counseling from a licensed professional on the second round, then you would bill 90471-90474 series.

MMR - 3 units. Counseling received. 1 unit of 90460 and 2 units of 90461.
DTAP - 3 units. Same as above.
Family was on the way out the door when Mom turned around and said "what about hep b?" Receptionist goes and asks the doctor about it and she says, have my medical assistant give the vaccine. Doctor does not give any counseling on HepB. Bill one unit of 90471.