Wiki in patient codes


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I have a question: according to global rules the visit the day before a surgery is included in the global. In this case the member is in the hospital to have a slow prep for a colon resection. The in hospital visit code is billed, but the visit is sort of related to the surgery. Is it included in the global? How should it be billed? Any modifiers? Thanks Kathy
Are you coding for the surgeon?

Please be a little more specific .... is this a hospital visit by the surgeon? By another doctor? Is it the day of or day immediately prior to surgery? How is it related to the surgery?

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
in patient coding

Patient was found on colonoscopy (about a week prior) to have an almost complete obstruction of the bowel. she was unable to have a regular prep so the doctor admitted her to the hospital 7 days prior to surgery for a "slow bowel Prep" He saw the patient in the hospital, including the day prior to the surgery. Same doctor visited patient and will do surgery. Based on global guidelines, how would the visit the day prior to surgery be billed? 99223 with a modifier? thanks
No bill for visit

The "decision for surgery" was made a week prior (during the colonoscopy).
There should be no charge for the hospital visit the day prior to, day of or days post surgery as they are all global to the surgery.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC