Wiki Insulin Tolerance Test - Observation


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If a patient goes to get a test done for Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency (AGHD) - either a Insulin Tolerance Test (ITT) (80435) or a Glucagon Stimulation Test (80430) - the patient may be admitted for observation but only as an outpatient. Does anyone happens to know the observation code that's used? (it was told me that it would be a code that captures 23 hours observation)
If a patient goes to get a test done for Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency (AGHD) - either a Insulin Tolerance Test (ITT) (80435) or a Glucagon Stimulation Test (80430) - the patient may be admitted for observation but only as an outpatient. Does anyone happens to know the observation code that's used? (it was told me that it would be a code that captures 23 hours observation)

probably one of the observation/discharge same day codes, but that would mean same day. You couldn't use those codes if they went into observation at 4:00 p.m and then were discharged next day at 2:00.