Wiki Intravenous infusion


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Can someone give me some guidance on which CPT code would be used for IV infusion of Metoclopramide & Diphenhydramine for diagnosis of 346.73. 96413? 96365? Any experience guidance would be appreciated
I would thin 96365 and 96367 for the second drug. 96413 is only used for Chemotherapy, which I do not see from the diagnosis of migraine. Hope that helps.
This is true, so you want to really look at how the drugs are administered.
1 bag > 2 drugs > same time = 96365
2 bags (1 drug ea bag)> same time = 96365, 96368
2 bags (1 drug ea bag)> one after the other = 96365, 96367
Also, if any drug was administered for less than 15 mins it would be considered a push, 96375, if administered after the infusion.