Wiki keratoplasty with corneal trasnplant


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I am looking for assistance with HOPD billing for corneal transplant, Specifically the cadaver tissue procurement and acquisition V2785. Based on MM9486 #13 states this will be paid separately when used in corneal transplant procedures in the hospital outpatient dept. Our carriers are continually bundling this with the much lower APC rate. Is rev code 812 correct? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all
I know this is an old post, but I just came across it. Don't know if you're still having issues getting the cornea tissue paid but in my experience billing for an ASC, Medicare requires REV code 490 while Aetna requires 278. It gets confusing and we go back and forth with the insurances on appeals and correcting claims only to find out the actual problem is the REV code that was used.