Lifelong Permanent Conditions


Lakeville, MA
Best answers
I understand for the Rad V there have been some changes to the LLPC list. Would anyone be able to provide me with the actual listing of LLPC for current RadV Audit? I have searched the CMS.Gov website and have not been successful
Thank you for your help!
Hi Kinsley:)
I can tell you what I ve learned over the years and share data from the coding book entitled Risk Adjustment Documentation & Coding by Sherri Bernard. Let s break it down to chronic conditions vs forever codes or your LLPC list. The chronic conditions which are ongoing for patients which can be COPD, Asthma, Arthritis, BMI obesity over 35 % , DM, CHKD, HTN, Sleep Apnea, CHF or heart conditions, Lumbar Back Pain,or Cancers. But the Lifetime Long Patient Conditions list or Forever Disease I have seen over the years can be diseases patient cannot get rid of because there is no cure or a traumatic illness in which changes patients lives forever. The Forever Ds list contains......Alcoholism , Substance Abuses, AIDs, HIV, Amputations, Paralysis, CP =Cerebral Palsy, Dementia & Alzheimer's Ds, Autism, Major Depression, Mental Retardation or Intellec. Challenged, Transplants of Organs, Migraines, Herpes sex ds, SCI or TBI=Traumatic Brain Injury, Asthma, Muscular Dystrophy, Sickle Cell, Lupus, ESRD, Parkinson Ds. or Huntings Ds.

Let me add Cancer Ds. are considered cured if not returned after 5 years. I was shocked to see Alcoholism, Depression, and Substance Abuse on Forever List but it seems these patients always battle these diseases.

Did I help you with this information? Oh yes those Forever Ds are high on the DRG list too.
Lady T(y)
Stumbled across this thread. You should become a member of REGTAP- you will get put on an email list and you will get updated as far as RADV protocols go. In May of each year, they release the coding guidelines for that same benefit year. (annoying as the benefit year is practically over at that point). In these guidelines includes the lifelong list of HCCs. This is different than a chronic condition, as these do not require the same amount/type of documentation compared to a chronic condition.

REGTAP is the holy grail of information for RADV and ACA risk adjustment, and free to join. Once you have joined, you should be able to search for 2021 Benefit Year Protocols for HHS Risk Adjustment. (These are not for med advantage population).

Hope that helps.
Stumbled across this thread. You should become a member of REGTAP- you will get put on an email list and you will get updated as far as RADV protocols go. In May of each year, they release the coding guidelines for that same benefit year. (annoying as the benefit year is practically over at that point). In these guidelines includes the lifelong list of HCCs. This is different than a chronic condition, as these do not require the same amount/type of documentation compared to a chronic condition.

REGTAP is the holy grail of information for RADV and ACA risk adjustment, and free to join. Once you have joined, you should be able to search for 2021 Benefit Year Protocols for HHS Risk Adjustment. (These are not for med advantage population).

Hope that helps.
Thank you very much, sorry for the late response, I read it and joined Reg Tap, just realized I didn't thank you!