Wiki LPC Billing help!


North Canton, OH
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I need some help for billing LPC's....

We just picked up this portion of billing and we are trying to figure out the "Incident to" billing portion of it.... what can be billed or not. We have a couple of PH-D's and the LPC'S see the patients in between. We have been billing the LPC with the supervising physician being one of the PH-D's? We are getting several denials. The POS is an IP/OP rehab hospital. Please help:) Any kind of info would be much appreciated! Thanks!!
I have no experience with incident to billing, but I would suggest checking to be sure that the PHD is allowed to be supervising..(is it in their scope or can that level be supervising) and I would also check to be sure that the LCP is within their scope for the codes you bill. Make sure these can practise in that POS