Wiki Lysis of Adhesions - On the slide for adhesiolysis


True Blue
Rensselaer, NY
Best answers
I just participated in the audioconference and they ran out of time before they could get to my question, so I thought I would post it here.

On the slide for adhesiolysis, the first bullet point states that this "could be listed as separate procedure." Isn't that dependent on the primary procedure? If this lysis is inherent to the procedure, the CCI edits may not allow a separate code for lysis, even with modifier -59. What about using modifier -22 with the documentation that explains why it took extra time, the complexity and all of the other reasons the speaker gave.

Great audioconference! Being new to OB-GYN coding, this was very helpful.

Lance Smtih
If it is bundled and not able to use -59 and the documentation definately shows the extra time, I would add -22.