Wiki Mass Resections


Temple, TX
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Has anyone ever heard that if a tumor/mass is removed from a structure/site and has attachments, it is appropriate to only report the site code? For example, if a patient has a liver tumor that is attached to the diaphragm only the liver resection can be reported since the diaphragm was adhered to the lesion/tumor and had to be taken 'en masse/en bloc' and therefore cannot be billed/coded?? Or a colon tumor that is attached to the small intestine and reporting the colon resection only since the small intestine was attached.

If someone can weigh in with resources it would be greatly appreciated. I believe that the liver resection along with the diaphragm resection should be reported since both were performed whether they were taken as a single specimen or separate specimens. A coder was instructed if one specimen/en bloc/en masse then only one code. This just does not make sense to me.....?????