Wiki Medicare Denials


Mcleadille, North Carolina
Best answers
I billed M'care for the following procedures 69100x2 w/ a modifer -50.
They came back and denied the claim with the following reason:
The procedure code is inconsistent with the modifer used or required modifer is missing.

Can someone please give your suggestion in regards to a modifer or if no modifer should have been used. Could I have just used a -59?
BX External Ear

Medicare should accept the modifier 50 - however each MAC can process diffferently. You should check to see if your MAC has specific instructions on how to bill for this procedure. Modifier 59 will also work but 50 is more specific, which is the purpose of the modifier.
CMS fee schedule has a payment indicator of 0 (zero) for 69100.

0=Do not use modifier 50

Depending on your carrier, you may need to use 59 to denote a separate biopsy.

**Just saw Lisa's post---I agree ;)**

The outpatient status indicator in addendum B is "T" so I guess it just depends on what type of service you are billing (i.e. physician or facility - outpatient).