Wiki Medicare Part B Signature Authorization


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If you check that you do not have the Medicare Signature
Authorization can you still bill Medicare Part B?
Reason I am asking, is some of our SNF that we get our patient
information from do not send the authorization to bill, and therefore
we have a lot of billing on hold. Can we bill without the
authorization on file, or do we need to send the authorization form
to the sponsors for signature. I am sure that the facilities must
have an authorization on file, right?

Any assistance would be helpful, and if there is something in
writing, please let me know where I can locate such information.

Our supervisor used to insist that we in the doctors' office get the patients signature, even in cases where the hospital and/or other physician's groups within the medical center had the signature.

Based on that, I think you should hold off until you get the signature.

It may be possible to send one of the employees to the nursing home to get the signatures, or mail a form to the patients' address.

Hope this helps!

Signature Authorization form

Thanks James, I am going to end up sending the forms to the sponsors. I will design a letter to go with it. Appreciate the reply.