Wiki Medication reporting for Modifier JZ


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Due to the new medicare guidelines with modifiers JZ and JW, IF the user administers more than one single use vial for a patient, how does this need to be reported? would each 'vial' need to be reported on separate claim lines?
Combine the total amount of vials administered on one line. You would only need to split lines to indicate the amount of waste on a separate line.

Per CMS :

Claim line #1:

  • HCPCS code for drug given
  • No modifier
  • Number of units given to the patient
  • Calculated submitted price for ONLY the amount of drug given

Claim line #2:

  • HCPCS code for drug wasted
  • JW modifier to indicate waste
  • Number of units wasted
  • Calculated submitted price for ONLY the amount of drug wasted
To submit claims for a non-discarded claim, submit one complete claim line.

  • HCPCS code for drug given
  • JZ modifier to indicate no waste
  • Number of units given to the patient
  • Calculate submitted price for the amount given