Wiki Moderate risk or low risk?


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
1--If and RX is given, but picked up OTC, is this low or moderate risk?
2--If a medicine can be both OTC and RX, is it low or moderate risk? ie what is the best way to find out if a medicine is over the counter (low risk) or Rx only (moderate risk)?
3--Continue Flonase spray, 0.05 mg/inh, 2 sprays in each nostril intranasally, QD, 30 days, 1 bottle, Refills 3. Is this moderate Risk/RX management? Is continuing or refilling low risk, or moderate?
4--When I see the word "Refills" can I automatically assume RX management/moderate level of risk?

thank you very much
What I told my providers is if the meds could and is available OTC, then it is not a Moderate risk. And on the refills, as an auditor , I would like to see something along the lines or mention that " no changes on current meds etc., or prescription X is working and will continue . To me, that is prescription management.