Wiki Modifier -51


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I need some insight on the modifier -51. We have a patient that had two MRI's done on the same day. One was done on the left knee and the other was done on the right knee. Should the modifier -51 be appended to the second MRI? :confused:
Does the second procedure require a modifier? A modifier was put on it and I didn't see anything in any of the guidelines, ect. It was paid with a -51 but it was also paid at a reduced fee.
Does the second procedure require a modifier? A modifier was put on it and I didn't see anything in any of the guidelines, ect. It was paid with a -51 but it was also paid at a reduced fee.

I don't believe mod -51 is appropriate for an MRI of the knee. It should be billed with RT, LT, or 50 (again I prefer RT and LT). No reduced fee should be applied. Are you billing the radiologist (professional) or technical side?
Agree, I use the 50 especially for Medicare and some of the commercials but LT, RT for BCBS so it just depends, but no need for a 51.