Wiki Modifier 52 with 96415


Larksville, PA
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Patient comes in to our outpatient hospital department for chemotherapy. Chemotherapy was ordered for 2 hours, however due to the patient's condition it was not able to run for the entire 2 hours. The chemotherapy drug ran for exactly 90 minutes. Our coding wants to code 96413 and 96415-52. The coder is siting CPT Assistant August 2004 Pages 11,12 Category: Coding Consultation Related Information as well as the note from 3M that has the question asking what the appropriate codes to report for chemo admin via IV infusion techcnique with a total duration time of 90 minutes. Both are stating to use the modifier 52 on the add-on code since it was only 30 minutes. However this does not seem correct. Any assistance and documentation of this issue would be greatly appreciated.