Wiki Modifier 57 and Modifier 26


Best answers
Thank you for providing me with the answer to my question. Two more question about modifiers. Can modifier 57 be used if a doctor see the patient on Monday and decides that he is going to do surgery on Tuesday?

Modifier 26 I noticed that some codes are add on codes and modifier 26 is being used. Can you use modifier 26 with a code that is a add on code?


Eddie Sottong
Modifier 57: Decision for Surgery

An E/M examination coded with modifier 57 indicates a visit that resulted in the initial decision to perform a major surgery. It is used the day before or the day of major surgery. Surgeries that have a 90-day follow-up period are considered major surgeries. When coding modifier 57, ensure that the patient’s records clearly indicate when the initial decision to perform the surgery was made Surgery Guide.pdf

Page 10
modifier 26 is a professional component modifier. it can be used on an add on code for as long as it is a professional component. Example: 75774 is an add on code that needs a 26 modifier.