Wiki Modifier 58 or 79


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Scenario: Pt had partial mastectomy cpt code 19301. Then has an insertion of central venous access port 36571 10 days later for chemo. I am not clear whether modifier 58 or 79 should be appended to the 36571 procedure code. Please advise. Thanks!
79 is the correct modifier. A staged procedure, for modifier 58, is typically a second part, or continuation, of a procedure that cannot be completed in a single operative session, or a more extensive procedure that needs to be done because the initial procedure was insufficient. In your example, the procedures are unrelated - 19301 is to remove the malignancy; 35671 is for venous access. Although they are related in the sense that they are both part of the treatment of the same disease, the two are completely independent procedures done for separate purposes.