Wiki Modifier CQ and Modifier KX for Physical Therapy

Clayton, North Carolina
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I am second guessing which modifier goes first when I have to use modifier CQ and KX. CQ is used for when a physical therapy assistant is caring for a patient. KX is used when the Medicare patient is past the dollar amount threshold but needs to continue to be seen in physical. So, following the modifier rules in sequencing modifiers, pricing, payment, location. Would you say that CQ goes first and KX is second?
Hi - If you're working with Palmetto, I don't see a pricing modifier list on the main page or a PT policy about sequencing mods, but maybe you'll have more luck than I did. Palmetto RR does have a list of pricing modifiers for the first position, but CQ and KX aren't listed. ( Asked Questions~Modifiers) I think your logic makes sense, but I wish I could find something in writing to support it - best of luck!