Wiki More certifications before working?


Brookfield, NY
Best answers
After losing my job in advertising to the pandemic, I decided to switch fields completely to a field that should survive future shutdowns. I took an online course, not here, and just passed my CPC exam. I am lucky in that my husband has a good job and I can stay home for a while longer until school is back full time for our daughter. I am wondering if you guys think adding more certifications while I can is worthwhile or is it overkill? I've been toying with going for the COC. And, if you think the more certifications the merrier, does that sound like the next logical step? And then perhaps the CIC?
If you have your CPC, get a job first before looking to other credentials. Any other credentials will depend on the job you get and the specialty that you are working in. If you have no healthcare background put any other credentials on hold until you are working.