Wiki Nail bed repair and bone debridement


Waukesha, WI
Best answers
Could someone help me determine the CPT codes for the following?

One person is saying just do 11760 and another is saying to do 11760 AND 11044 (as long as the provider adds the area debrided).

Procedure: The right index was prepped and draped in sterile fashion after copious irrigation with sterile saline.  The avulsed piece was also irrigated and prepped with betadine.  The fingernail was removed, as was the small piece of attached bone.  It was defatted and the contaminated and rough edges were trimmed.  The fingertip was debrided of contaminated and non viable tissue.  A small piece of sharp bone was cut down.  Fat was tightened around with chromic suture to itself to nearly cover the exposed bone.  The remnant fingernail was removed, the sterile matrix was preserved.  The fingertip was reattached with 5-0 chromic in interrupted fashion.  A piece of the fingernail was then sutured under the eponychial fold.  The wound was irrigated again with saline.  It was covered with triple antibiotic ointment, xeroform, and soft dressing and tubigauze.  A splint was taped to the outside.  Procedure was tolerated well.  No complications.
