Wiki NCCI edit software


Best answers
We are looking at getting a NCCI edit software program. Does anyone have a recommendation good or bad? Is there an advantage to having a web based program? Thanks for your help.
I also recommend AAPC Coder very highly! Great tool for checking CCI edits, diagnosis codes, CPT codes, etc. I use it on a daily basis.

Patricia Murrin, CPC, RCC
We've used SuperCoder, Optum Encoder, SpeedyCoder and now AAPC's Coder as listed above. Don Self's website also has something you should check into called Coding Advisor. Lots of products out there!
Using Optum Encoder Pro right now. Standard Encoder doesn't offer CCI conflict checking. The nice thing about it is you can check a code against multiple codes at one time and it will also show you all modifiers that are accepted on those codes.