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Does anyone know the going rate for coding operative reports? Is $30 per report reasonable?
Feedback is much appreciated.
There are many variables in your question. Are you doing CPT & DX codes, what region are you in, what type specialty etc. In the Denver area, that rate would be extremely high. =)
That seems high considering that is more than I make an hour, and I can code multiple op reports in that hour. If you find someone to pay you that, please let me know, as I'd like to be your partner. =)

I do not know the answer to your question however, sorry!
It does depend on the specialty, for instance a complex hand reconstruction with all ten fingers involved can be extremely time consuming, as can a spine surgery, whereas a simple hysterectomy can take 10 minutes. I had one from an auto accident a complex facial trauma with removal of bone and frontal sinuses and debridements plus metal plate insetion, the note was 10pages when it was all done and it took the better part of 2 hours to abstract all the codes and then check for bundleing issues and all modifiers. So on the whole is $30 too much, not enough, or just right? Find out the typical type of surgery performed and ask yourself how many of those can you do in an hour. I feel strongly that an experience certified coder extracting codes from op notes should average no less than $25 per hour. I charge $45 per note so I think you are a little low but I code trauma surgery, and ortho reconstructions.