Wiki Need Modifier !


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Hello All,

Can anybody explain me wich mod is to be used in the following scenario.

71010 done by Dr. X in the morning

71010 done by Dr. Y in the after noon

again in the evening Dr Y is repeating the same 71010

Which mod 76/77 would be appropriate to use on third 71010 done in the evening.

Should we append mod depending up on the initial procedure done in the morning or the procedure done in the after noon??

Thanks in advance !!

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You won't need the modifier on the first procedure, only on the subsequent procedures. I believe modifier 76 would be the correct modifier to use.

Hi thanks for your suggestion. Even I have the same feeling.

Any more suggestions please !!!
Hello. I think the modifier should be a "77" because it's a repeat procedure by a another physician. A 76 modifier should be used when it's the same procedure, same physician.
Same practice = same physician

I responded on another thread ... in general if the two physicians are in the same practice and of the same specialty, they are considered the same physician. Modifier 76

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CPC-E/M

I would code this as 71010, 7101077, 710105977. Since the physicians have different NPI numbers, you should bill with the 77 modifier instead of the 76 modifier. I used to bill for a multi-physician radiology practice and this was the way that Medicare wanted these billed. The 59 would tell Medicare that that x-ray was done at a separate session.