Wiki Nurse Visit with Flu Vaccination


Mesa, AZ
Best answers
Hello All

My provider states that at her old practice she used to bill the Flu Vaccinations with a nurse visit or low E/M. (99211 and 99212)
From my research (2013 posts) that the nurse visit is not billable when the visit is for Flu Shot only.
Ive sent her my links but she wanted me to make sure that was valid info.

I am reaching out to verify that this is still current information.
We see a lot of Medicare/ Medicare Advantage/ UHC patients


Agree with responses provided to your question in the other forum threads - please refrain from making multiple duplicate posts of the same question, FYI it is against forum guidelines.
Bev, you are correct, it would be rare that a visit for a flu vaccine only would justify a 99212 or 99211. For Medicare as I am sure you know allows for the administration of the vaccine with G0008. It can be frustrating with providers when they used to "always" do things as previous offices that were incorrect. Good catch!
Bev, you are correct, it would be rare that a visit for a flu vaccine only would justify a 99212 or 99211. For Medicare as I am sure you know allows for the administration of the vaccine with G0008. It can be frustrating with providers when they used to "always" do things as previous offices that were incorrect. Good catch!

Thanks so much Chelle-Lynn for the clarity. I appreciate it!

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