Wiki Oncology Treatment Plan


Greensboro, NC
Best answers
Are there any oncology groups that use a CPT code for a treatment plan for patients starting on chemotherapy? This would be for an outpatient private practice. What CPT/HCPCS code do you use?
Thank you
C. Robinson
Are you talking about the chemo teaching, or the actual time setting up the treatment plan? If you are talking about the actual planning of the proposed chemo regimen, it is usually considered as part of the E/M plan when the doctor and patient agree to go ahead with treatment. My clinic doesn't bill any seperate codes for the actual planning outside of the E/M. If you are talking about the chemo teaching done by a chemo nurse, this can be billed with a 99211. Hope this helps. Good luck!
patient chemo teaching

Can you give me the website where you found that 99211 was appropriate to bill for
chemo teaching? ASCO states this is included in E&M for initial visit. Just need the facts.
Thanks, Paula P