Wiki One Channel Urodynamics using EasyPro1.. 51728-52?


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Hi all, one of my urologists used the EasyPro1 device to perform one channel urodynamics for a patient.. he says when he was trained on the device he was told to bill 51728-52. I can't seem to find any info on this. I've read that 51728-52 is billed when using a penile cuff but that is not the case here. I've already read that the AUA does not support 51728-52 for the cuff but that wasn't what was used here... Anyone have experience with this?

One channel urodynamics:
Patient's blood catheter was attached to the easy pro 1 device. The patient's bladder was slowly filled. He had 1st sensation at approximately 20 mL. His 1st desire was approximately 250 mL. His bladder capacity was 325 mL. He was then asked to void with the catheter in place. His peak pressure was approximately 28 cm of water. Patient tolerated the procedure well.