Wiki Ophthalmoscopy and eye inj done same day


Ventura, CA
Best answers
Good afternoon,

I am wondering if anyone can help me out here or offer some insight.

Re: 67028 (intravitreal inj) and 92225/6 (Extended Ophthalmoscopy)
92225/6 is bundled into 67028 w/ an indicator of “1”. They can only be billed together if the scope (92225/6) is done on the opposite eye of the injection (67028).

What if the scope (92225/6) was done on both eyes and both eyes have pathology, but the doctor only bills for one scope of the opposite eye of the injection. Is that okay? Can that be fraudulent billing?

I appreciate any thoughts or education on this.
Per my information 92225/6 is bundled into the eye that received the injection, but as long as they opposite eye has a medically necessary dx and it was drawn it is billable and not fraudulent