Wiki Overuse syndrome - Pt comes into office for wrist pain


Portland, OR
Best answers
Pt comes into office for wrist pain and elbow pain, doctor dictates overuse syndrome but nothing indictating tendinitis. How would you code this? Just a pain code is what I was thinking but wanted to make sure. I wasnt able to find just a generic overuse syndrome code. Thank you!!
overuse syndrome

Along with the pain codes, have you looked at the E Codes.
I rely on those a lot, say for instance if the patient complains about pain after playing baseball, maybe pitching, I would use E927.3 along with the pain code, and might add the reason [ baseball E007.3]. I like to tell the insurance company the "story".

If you patient has filled out his intake sheet, this information should be available to you.

Hope this helps you. I would be interested to hear from any other coders if they do the same.
