Wiki Pain in toes- ICD-10


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One of the doctors I bill for has a patient with pain in toes on both right and left feet- how should this be coded?

She is also asking how to bill for both tinea unguinum and tinea pedis- can both be billed?
One of the doctors I bill for has a patient with pain in toes on both right and left feet- how should this be coded?

She is also asking how to bill for both tinea unguinum and tinea pedis- can both be billed?

Here is what I came up with...

M79.674 R/F-toe(s)
M79.675 L/F-toe(s)
B35.1 tinea ungium
B35.3 tinea pedis

Yes, these codes can be billed together. They are two different conditions as one is related to the toenails and the other is for the skin/foot (Athlete's foot).

Hope this helps. :)
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