Wiki Pap & IUD insertion under anesthesia


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How do you code a pap and insertion of a Mirena IUD under anesthesia in the OR? Do you code it as a procedure only with Q0091 for the Pap, 58300 for IUD insertion and then the appropriate J code for the Mirena? What about a modifier to indicate procedure completed under anesthesia? Would your place of service be the hospital since that is where this all took place?

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Did you ever get this question answered?

I have a similar case but in the outpatient setting. Patient comes in for IUD insertion and a PAP smear was done. The codes billed are Q0091 + 58300. I checked the CCI edits and there's no conflict between these two codes, no need to add a modified if reported together. I just can't find a proper guideline on reporting these two codes together...