Wiki Pediatric Dr Sees Parent without Patient

Bev Besel

Best answers
I was asked today by Pediatric Doctor how she could code parent wanting to meet Doctor & discuss some behavior problems she is having with her child (child wasn't present) and the child will see the Doctor for a WCC at a later time. Can you help me find the answer? Thanks
Peds Consultation

Yes she can code that she can use consultation one or she can use the preventive medicine that has to do with individual, behavior, or group which ever apply for you situation. If you need anymore help feel fee to ask.:p
Time based coding

There are a number of similar questions on these forums. Search for "patient not present" or "counseling/coordination of care" or "time-based coding."

This would NOT be a consultation if it is the child's regular pediatrician. It would be an established patient visit.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC