Wiki Peer to Peer Reviews


Mansfield, GA
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We are trying to develop a form of some kind for our providers to use when doing a P2P, to more properly document what the discussion is and the outcome. Does anyone have a form that
we could use as a guide to help with our documentation?
We do not have a form at our clinic. Our providers will usually send a message in EPIC stating what the outcome was and the authorization information if one was approved. A form wouldn't require much: date, time, medical reviewer spoken to, procedure, and a check yes/no if procedure authorized with a space for the authorization number.
Our providers wouldn't complete a form, certainly not if we required a summary of the discussion lol We have a form that we send via email with all the needed information when the peer to peer is set up. The provider usually responds to that, letting my precert team know the outcome and any authorization number that's been issued. One of the team then follows up with the insurance to verify and documents the final state in the precert notes.
Thanks for your input. We have trouble getting them to document anything, and many times, the Dr doesn't do the p2p, he has his PA or nurse do them lol