Wiki Percutaneous Tenotomy vs Tenex Procedure


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For the past several years we have been billing the Tenex and Tenjet procedures as percutaneous tenotomies. The doctors maintain that they are doing an actual percutaneous tenotomy and Tenex is just the name of the tool that they are using. They tell me that the work that they are doing is exactly the same as a traditional percutaneous tenotomy. I have recently received information stating that we are billing this incorrectly and that we should be using unlisted codes for all of these procedures. I know that Anthem, Cigna and Aetna all state that Tenex is investigational, but what is the difference between the two procedures? The doctors that I work for are pressing me for an answer.
Have you checked CPT Assistant or Coding Clinic recently? Depending on what is found in those resources, that would be the answer. Tenex is ultrasound, not the same thing described in the CPT codes for percutaneous tenotomy.

There was reference to "Coding Clinic Third Quarter 2017 pg 3 - must use Unlisted the AMA has ruled" in another thread if you search the word Tenex in the forums here.
Also check here: CPT Assistant Aug 2017 pg 10

This is older but has reference to the same coding clinic.

Tenex description: "high frequency ultrasound energy targeted at diseased tendon in order to break it up. The area is simultaneously irrigated with cool saline to then remove the diseased area of tendon. This is done under ultrasound guidance with a tiny incision to properly visualize the focal area of pathology."