Wiki Pessary insert with Estring insert - Medicare patient

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Medicare patient- If a doctor fits/inserts a pessary the code should be 57160 + pessary code. Doctor also inserted Estring vaginal ring on same visit.

Should I bill or not the Estring insert considering that pt has Medicare? and if so how should I code (57160 x 2?).

This is a difficult question to answer correctly. I would suggest the following coding:
57170 for Estring ring, and
57160 for the mechanical ring.
An E/M-25 service also may be billed if separately identified and a significant service.
These two codes are not bundled by Medicare and separately billable.
This is a difficult question to answer correctly. I would suggest the following coding:
57170 for Estring ring, and
57160 for the mechanical ring.
An E/M-25 service also may be billed if separately identified and a significant service.
These two codes are not bundled by Medicare and separately billable.