Wiki Physical therapy/Workers Comp.


Mingus, TX
Best answers
Good afternoon. I do not have much experience with Workers Compensation. However, I think this is a question not only for Workers Comp but for guidance in correct patient EMR charting. On a patients initial evaluation our therapist always include the date of Injury/Onset under the date of service. However, for the remaining daily notes that we have to submit to Workers Comp on every visit thereafter they are not including the Injury/Onset date. Is this required? Our therapist do not think so. I do not have any information that states this is a requirement. Thank you for any help. :)
I would always include the DOI on every piece of documentation that relates to Work Comp. We had a case where a patient who was scheduled for WC PT and ended up being treated for something that happened that weekend (pulled muscle while boating). The only way we knew to split this off to personal insurance is because the DOI was different/changed and the condition while the same body region, was not work comp related. Work comp is very very hard to get payment from sometimes so I always cross by "T's" and dot my "I's" We also never see any patient until we have confirmed with the work comp adjuster that they are covered and for how long. We have been burned too many times to not check every single time.