Wiki Physical therapy

There is a section in the CPT manual for physical therapy. It is in the back of CPT manual green section Medicine CPT codes 97010 to 97546. Ensure the documentation listing and describing body part, laterality, right, left ETC and type of cold pack, massage, treatment done and sign med record. Add the referring doctor if one send pt. there for PT treatment. But the provider needs to list the minutes done on each body area. Also modifiers of GO and GN are used for phys therapy providers technician (GN) and licensed MD (GO) but check with payers. If an injury put DOI (date of injury) location and how it happen. If a worker comp claim, ensure get approval numbers put on claim.

Here are some dx blocks to consider of course per documented provider record; pain M25 and M79, R29.91, R93.6, R93.7, R93.8, M54.50, Z71.82 Exercise counseling, Chapter 19 dx codes S00 to S99 related to injury and Chapter 13 muscle and bone problems. M24 Loose body, M25.4 Effusion of joint differ than swelling Edema dx R60, M25.6 Stiffness in each listed joint, Other instability M25.3 of each joint, M53.3 Spinal instabilities, Low Back strain S39.012 vs Sciatica M54.3 R41.81 is very old pt , and use the dx I69, G57 or G83 paraplegic dx if related to pt s condition Etc. Etc. oh yes, be careful do not abuse the Excludes 1 Rule.
I hope this data helps you
Lady T:cool:
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