Wiki PIN Neurectomy during another px


Smyrna, TN
Best answers
I have a plastic surgeon who wants to code the PIN and AIN neurectomies with other indicated procedures like ganglions or carpal tunnels. He was documenting for post operative pain control, I have finally convinced him that it will bundle into the main procedure when for post op pain. He now still wants to code it for just wrist pain [dx does not support medical necessity].

My question...if the pain originates from the main pathology for the primary procedure [say pain secondary to the ganglion cyst] can we capture it with the diagnosis of pain? I think it will still bundle into the main excision because it is of the same pathology...theoretically once the ganglion is removed the pain will also be alleviated. He is pushing back on this and I want to continue with confidence...and if I am incorrect, I want to know.

Please, any guidance or thoughts are appreciated.