Wiki Post Operative Wound Check (No Global Period-Mohs)

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Our practice often sees patients who heal secondarily or where we've applied a skin substitute graft after Mohs procedure 1 week after the surgery. During these visits the wound is evaluated, patient is given wound care instructions and sometimes dressings are changed or a new skin substitute graft is reapplied. If there is possible infection a culture is performed and sent for further testing. In the case where there is no procedure done (no graft reapplication) and the wound is evaluated as above, can an E/M service be applied? I do understand there is no global period for Mohs. Like many others we use EMA for our EHR system; we are currently using a post operative wound check as our impression and plan. New to this and so grateful for the help!
MMS does not have a global period, but the closure or graft should. Check whatever code you're using for closure for the global period, and if it is out of the global, then yes, a E/M can be billed. Some have 10 day global, some have 90 day.